People who regularly tend to remove ingrown hair, know the pain really well. Though the problem can be resolved on its own there are serious complications too. This could lead to inflammation, infection or even lead to painful, long-lasting symptoms. Studies and research have proved medication through tea tree oil for ingrown hair. 

If you are wondering what tea tree oil is, well the oil is acquired by pressing the leaves of the tea tree. The plant or tree is a native shrub, found in Australia. It helps in healing ingrown hair and preventing infection. 

To understand what happens in ingrown hair, you need to know what happens in the scenario. 

What Is Ingrown Hair? 

Emerging from hair follicles, ingrown hair curves inwards grow right beneath the skin’s surface. While some grow just at an angle and beneath the skin’s surface. It mainly looks like a small bump like thing on your skin. They could be itchy or even painful. Some even are infected with puss. 

People who tend to shave or wax their body parts in particular tend to review it. Here is where you mostly face it on your body – 





and even pubic area

Treatment Through Tea Tree Oil for Ingrown Hair Cyst, Bumps or Scars

Hair cysts, bumps or scars happen mostly through ingrown hair and people who use a razor for shaving. Tea tree oil is the best treatment. It does work for some people but for others, you need to take proper precautions. According to dermatologist Hadley King, tea tree oil could be quite an irritant and may have allergic reactions to some. 

Application of too much-concentrated product could be hazardous. The best thing that you can do is dilute the tea tree oil with another ingredient to make it a formula. This will reduce the probability of skin reaction. Easily mix the concentrated tea tree oil with other hydrating oil. This protects and moisturises your skin. 

How to Use Tea Tree Oil for Ingrown Hair?

If you are trying to use tea tree oil for your bumps, scars and cyst, the application method should be important. Regardless of your skin type, all skincare specialists advise you to use a cotton swab or fingertips to apply the mixture. 

It works as a spot treatment. You can either layer it with a body lotion or serum. The dermatologist said that if you are suffering any inflammation or redness, stop using it immediately. 

Dr Lain, M.D dermatologist states that if you are using the oil in the right form, store it in the right place. It should be used within months of purchase. Here is what you can do – 

Using a Warm Washcloth or Soft Toothbrush

Apply a warm washcloth to the infected hair 

Applying a warm washcloth to the ingrown hair and rubbing in a circular motion may help to uncurl the hair. Hairs that have grown back into the right place can be gently coaxed off with a cloth or soft toothbrush. 

If this process does hot work, try using a soft toothbrush in the same way to the affected area. It helps in unclogging the follicle. 

Avoiding irritation

To commence with, ingrown hair needs no way to get irritated. You will have to stop shaving or plucking the ingrown hair. 

Using tweezers

Once the hair appears above the skin, use a sterilised needle or tweezers to pull the hair right out. Only conduct the process, if the hair is above the skin area. Digging into the skin could lead to infection. 

It is also crucial to pull the hair out. It may increase the chance of the ingrown hair growing back. You need to be careful. The inflamed area needs to heal and it does take time. You can rather use gentle or mild soap in cleaning the affected area. Natural exfoliation around the hair helps in the removal of dead skin cells. It also helps in clearing the inflamed and irritated skin around the hair. 

Preventing ingrown hairs

Ingrown hair is pretty irritating to deal with. It often becomes a regular problem. Either you stop the removal of your hair or reduce the consistency of doing it. People who are suffering from ingrown hair from their neck should switch to trimming rather than shaving. The ones with a public area problem could just cut it short or use such creams that restricts the growth of inner hair. 

In case, if the product is happening on a regular basis, preventive measures should be taken. You will have to consult a doctor to get the right therapy. 

Other Forms of Products Used

Diluting tea tree oil with hydrating oil will help in killing the bacteria. It will also remove the swelling of the ingrown hair. 

Creams with salicylic acids open the pores and hair follicles. It helps in the prevention of clogging. 

Alternative hair removal options

Rather than shaving or waxing, you can opt for an alternative method for hair removal. 

These include – 

Laser hair removal

Though an expensive process, the result is hair loss temporarily. And no ingrown hairs! Laser hair removal is the process of damaging the hair follicle deeply preventing its growth. 

Chemical hair removal: 

There are products used in the form of cream or liquid that take time. It blocks and restricts the growth of hair follicles. 


It is a permanent form of hair removal. The process is well designed to omit the root of the hair. But it does need many sessions for the same. 

When to see a doctor

Ingrown hair can be easily treated at home and with tea tree oil. You do not need medication. But then if things go haywire, you may. If the area is infected and the bumps continue to grow with pus, you need to consult a doctor. People suffering from it in the large area need to undergo medical treatment. 

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